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Friday, June 25, 2010

2nd couponing attempt

I am still in "couponing mode" and trying to get this whole idea figured out. I was pretty discouraged this week. I don't know why it felt pretty easy our first time out, but this week was not so easy. I was constantly feeling overwhelmed and frustrated about it. Fortunately, I didn't give up. This was a big shopping week and I was stocking up on lots of things. I ended up hitting 2 grocery stores and saved over 50% of each bill, but I also decided not to go so overboard next time. It wore me out! So, I haven't given up yet and we're pushing through this learning time. Wish me luck! I really want to get this down!

1 comment:

  1. Keep it up. I have been doing it about a year and still trying to get it all down. It is a job. Hope you had a good time at the beach.
