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Monday, October 25, 2010

Happy 1st Birthday, Lucy!

We had such a fun afternoon celebrating Lucy's 1st birthday. Here is a recap of her party in pictures.

Flower suckers were the favors.

Lucy in her birthday dress that Aunt Megan made her. So cute!
NOT happy about the birthday hat...or the bow...or anything on her head really.

Mommy and Daddy dressed in pink for our little girl!

I made flower pens in pots and tissue pompoms that hung all over the patio. It's been arts and crafts central around here lately.
Sweet girl

Henry was all over Lucy's smash cake. He LOVED the icing.
I love her face in this one. Her new thing is to pucker her lips and scrunch her nose. Cutie!

Sweet girl. We had such a fun day celebrating our baby girl. We go to the doctor tomorrow so I'll report back with our "stats". I'm sure he'll tell us that she's HUGE...and perfect! (both of which we already know) :) We love you, Lucy-Lu! Happy Birthday!


  1. Adorable party! Can't believe Lucy is one. Wow. You look great Mer.


  2. This is the cutest party ever. You are such a Martha Stewart.
